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If you want to participate in the implementation of the initiative and its goals remain consistent with yours, you can join us as a member.

We have many ideas and we are open to implementing yours.  


In addition to access to facilities for specialists, organized by the association - online supervision, specialist vocational training, group interviews, you can co-create an organization, e.g. in the field of providing support in various areas of psychological assistance and crisis intervention, promotion of psychological support and mental hygiene, education and prevention in the field of mental health, raising awareness of the psychological consequences of climate change and others.  


The projects that we plan to implement will have a nationwide coverage, and the activities will be oriented mainly to remote space.

From the statute of the association

1. They can be members of the Association  physical people  and legal persons.

2. A legal person may only be a supporting member of the Association.

3. Members of the Association are divided into: 

A. Ordinary members, 

B. Supporting members, 

C. Honorary Members. 

4. An ordinary member may be any person who: 

A. submitted the membership declaration in writing; 

B. signed a declaration on the necessity to regulate membership fees; 

C. presented a diploma of graduating from higher education studies in psychology or a certificate of completion of postgraduate training in psychotherapeutic interactions for 4 years or at least 1,200 hours. 

5. Not later than 2 months after the Board of the Association receives a written membership declaration, the General Meeting or the Board adopt a resolution to admit a new ordinary member to the Association. 

6. A supporting member may be any natural or legal person who declares financial, material or substantive assistance in achieving the objectives of the Association. 

7. An honorary member may be any person who has made a significant contribution to the activities and development of the Association. 

8. Honorary members are admitted on the basis of a resolution of the General Assembly, at the request of at least 2 members of the Association. 

9. Ordinary members have the right to: 

A. passive and active participation in elections to the authorities of the Association;

B. organizing and participating in all activities of the Association; 

C. participate in meetings and any events organized or related to the activities of the Association; 

D. submitting applications regarding the activities of the Association;

E. use of training courses and other forms of supporting development organized by the Association for its members. 

10. Ordinary members are obliged to: 

A. participate in the activities of the Association and in achieving its goals;

B. participation in the General Meetings of Association members;

C. to comply with the statute and all resolutions of the Association's authorities;

D. regular payment of membership fees; 

E. compliance with the standards and principles of professional ethics in their work. 

11. Supporting and honorary members do not have passive and active voting rights. They can participate in the General Meeting, serving in an advisory capacity. The remaining rights of ordinary members are also applicable to supporting and honorary members. 

12. The supporting member is obliged to perform the provided services for the Association, observe the Articles of Association and the resolutions of the Association's authorities. 

13. Honorary members are exempt from membership fees. 

14. Membership in the Association is forfeited as a result of: 

A. a written resignation submitted to the Management Board of the Association; 

B. exclusion of a member by the Management Board for reasons: 

a. breaking the statute and resolutions of the Association's authorities; 

b. notoriously refraining from participating in the works of the Association; 

c. failure to pay membership fees for a period of at least one year; 

d. upon a written request of at least 1/5 of the Association's members. 

C. loss of civil rights by virtue of a valid court judgment; 

D. death of a member of the Association or loss of legal personality by a member of the Association who is a legal person. 

15. The Management Board adopts a resolution on excluding or accepting the resignation at the next meeting.

16. The interested party may appeal to the General Assembly against the resolution of the Association's authorities regarding admission to the Association or termination of membership in the Association, submitted within 14 days from the date of receipt of the resolution. The resolution of the General Meeting is final.

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